Marco (aka "Sess") blogs too: Random Thoughts and Musings.

If you're enjoying the blog, how about a shout-out? :)

Haiku #1

Post thoughts on a screen
    Return again and again
       Is it OCD?


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is, Jenno.
I also have OCD
must check my comments

Jenno said...

@JW -- LOL attempt successful!

Anonymous said...

Thought you would like that...
On another note, for a great selection of haiku you should check "Car Wash: As I See It" on my site. Fantastic.



Jenno said...

Will see, will comment, will suggest. :)


Anonymous said...

Will see comma will
comment comma will suggest
smiley face Jenno

Bored comma hope you
liked that period I sure
did JW

Jenno said...

Evil is Boredom
Forcing laughs, injured sides, more
needed some giggles.


About La Jenno

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Vincennes, Indiana, United States
26 years old. Daring. Disenchanted. Different. Trying to live in a friendlier yet more honest world. There is sometimes no larger dilemma.

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